Michail Grobman

22. July 2015 - 30. July 2015

Michail Grobman was born in 1939 in Moscow. He is an artist and a poet. In the 1960s he was an active member of The Second Russian Avant-garde. In 1971 he immigrated to Israel. In 1975 he founded the Leviathan group and art periodical.

He works in collage, painting, installation, and object. The use of text is very important in Grobman’s art, he writes minimalist poems, and «visual verses» consisting of magazine headings, transforms old book covers into poetic texts.  Grobman currently lives and works in Tel Aviv, Israel.


Behind the Scenes


  1. Mihail Grobman: We are living in the time of lies, we are lied to by the politicians, as well as scientists and artists http://www.vecernji.hr/vizualna-umjetnost/mihail-grobman-zivimo-u-vremenu-lazi-lazu-nam-politicari-ali-i-znanstvenici-i-umjetnici-1013872